Atul's AML Journey |Road to Recovery

Great news! Atul's journey has reached a very much celebrated milestone, because of the extraordinary support of his community, and the power of lifesaving matches.

Request a swab kit to register as a potential blood stem cell donor.

Atul embodies the spirit of a devoted husband and a loving father. His life, woven around a fulfilling career in technology sales, truly lights up in the moments he spends with his family – be it cherishing quiet moments with his wife, playfully chasing his energetic toddler, or leisurely walking his loyal dog.

However, in October 2023, Atul's world was shaken. Diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), he found himself staring down a path that led to an urgent and dire need: a stem cell donor.

After Atul’s diagnosis, his family began doing research. They discovered that globally, only 3% of Indians are registered as potential donors. This stark underrepresentation of Indians in the stem cell donor pool threw a shadow over his hope for a cure.

But Atul and his friends and family didn’t let this challenge stop them. Instead, they partnered with DKMS in the United States and India to educate people and get more people registered as potential donors.

Through drives hosted by Atul and his community, over 2,000 new potential donors were added to the global donor pool. Creating hope for Atul and many patients like him who are searching for their match. Luckily for Atul, he would soon learn that his donor was already out there, his brother Dhiraj was his perfect match!

Upon learning about his brother’s diagnosis, Dhiraj was tested in India by an oncologist. While on a trip to the US to visit and support his brother, Dhiraj’s results came back, he was a match for Atul!

Atul’s treatment center, Medical City Dallas, did a rush repeat of the test to confirm and from there they were able to squeeze Dhiraj in to donate before he flew back to India. Because Atul wasn’t ready for transplant, Dhiraj’s stem cells were cryopreserved. After a few more genetic tests, Atul’s got the go-ahead for the transplant.

On March 1st, 2024, Atul officially received his second chance at life. His transplant went well and he is recovering well at home.

Atul's story showcases how strong a community and support can be for our loved ones, and how the donor registry needs to contain varied donors. The results have not only shifted his journey from despair to hope but also helped demonstrate the power of solidarity.

We invite you to join us in celebrating Atul's success and supporting all those initiatives that increase the number of potential donors. Thank you for being a part of another story, filled with courage, perseverance, and a new beginning

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