Patient & Donor Meeting

From Caring Husband to Life Saving Hero

“I would have done anything to help her and I immediately felt like if I could help, I would.”

by Maya Ward
Public Relations Manager
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Be a hero, save lives impacted by blood cancer!

In the summer of 2013, Brian Hendrickson learned about a student at his wife’s school who was battling cancer and needed a stem cell transplant to survive. DKMS held a donor drive for the student at the school and his wife Kim encouraged him to register as a donor.

Almost ten years later, Brian got a call that he was a match for a patient in need. It had been so long, that Brian thought it might be a scam, but he dug out his DKMS registration card and realized the call was legitimate. When asked if he would move forward with the donation process, the Marine Corps Veteran and father of two didn’t hesitate.

“I had no hesitation. My wife had recently completed 30 rounds of chemo, 35 rounds of radiation, and surgery for breast cancer. I would have done anything to help her and I immediately felt like if I could help, I would.”

As he supported his wife through her cancer treatment, Brian wished there was more he could do to help her. Now, he had the opportunity to help someone else.

The patient Brian had been matched with was a man from California named Doug Jantz. In September of 2022 he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia and told that without treatment, he only had a year left to live. Doug was incredibly grateful when he learned that he had a matching donor. He felt blessed by the fact that a stranger was willing to donate to save his life.

Doug’s doctors were amazed by his recovery from the transplant. Quickly afterward, Brian and Doug began exchanging anonymous letters expressing their gratitude for one another and hopes to one day meet each other.

And July of 2024, they finally did. Doug flew to North Dakota where Brian and Kim met him at the airport with big hugs. When asked about how he felt about finally meeting Brian, Doug said, “Brian will always be my angel. What do you say to a man who extended your life?

After an emotional first meeting, Brian and Doug spent the weekend together. Brian introduced Doug to his family before spending a relaxing time at their lake house, swimming and boating. Brian now says that Doug is a part of his family too.

Join Brian and Doug's Journey Become a Lifesaving Donor

Brian's act of kindness and Doug's miraculous recovery show the incredible impact one person can make. You, too, can be a hero and give someone a second chance at life. Register as a stem cell donor with DKMS today and be the match that saves a life.

Take Action, Request a Swab Kit to Register as a Potential Donor.
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You can support DKMS in many ways and give hope to many blood cancer patients.