Jayce Schutte is a 19 year old from Benton, AR who is currently a freshman at University of Arkansas. Until a few weeks ago, Jayce had the life a pretty typical college student. He stays busy as a trumpet player in the Razorbacks Marching Band, is studying pre med, and spends plenty of time with his family and friends. This all changed at the end of February when a regular University Health Center checkup quickly turned into a hospital admission and a diagnosis of an extremely aggressive leukemia. Doctors have determined his best chance at a cure is a stem cell transplant.
Unfortunately, 70% of patients in need of a transplant will not have a viable match from a family member. Most must rely on a stranger in the stem cell donor pool. This is where you come in. Registering as a potential stem cell donor only takes a few minutes and the swab of a cheek. Then you are available as a potential match to Jayce or the thousands of other patients searching for a match.
Jayce is an incredible musician, great friend, man of faith, and a loving boyfriend, brother, and son. We are asking the community to show their support by ordering a kit free of charge through the registration link above. We provide the swabs, you provide the hope.