Elliott donated via PBSC collection this past summer. While he found the filgrastim injections process “intense,” he took the collection in stride. “All went smoothly on the day of donation. It was a long day, but it was done faster than they estimated.” Today, he's back to his normal routines.
Elliott didn’t set out to be a registered donor. He stumbled upon the opportunity in March, 2007 at “Taste of Chaos,” a hard-rock music festival during which we were registering donors. He’d actually forgotten he’d registered when he got a call six years later informing him that he was a match for a woman fighting leukemia.
Elliott donated via PBSC collection this past summer. While he found the filgrastim injections process “intense,” he took the collection in stride. “All went smoothly on the day of donation. It was a long day, but it was done faster than they estimated.” Today, he's back to his normal routines.
When reflecting on the whole donation experience, Elliott admits that “I got more out of it than I thought I would. I realized, ‘I’m the only choice this person has.’ Donating was a really great thing to do. I made the right choice.”