Dak is 4 years old and loves playing outside with his friends and family. Sporting events are constant for Dak’s family, Dak plays t-ball and football and his Dad is a 7th grade Highland Park Middle School basketball coach and Highland Park High School Freshman football coach and Assistant softball coach. Dak’s recent leukemia diagnosis was a shock to this family and has caused Dak to spend weeks in the hospital. Dak’s treatment will include a bone marrow/blood stem cell transplant. Heritage matters when it comes to finding a matching donor. The donor pool is not diverse making it difficult for Hispanic patients, like Dak, to find a donor. Signing up as a potential donor takes a matter of minutes and involves understanding what happens IF you are found to be a matching donor and swabbing the inside of your cheeks. YOU just might be the ONE person who can give someone like Dak a second chance to get back to playing sports with his friends and going fishing with his family.